We are the USA's Premier Cell Site Lease Consulting Services Firm.
Maximize The Value Of Your Cell Tower Lease. Make Sense Of Confusing Cell Tower Offers. Call Tower Genius 1-888-313-9750.
Thinking about cell tower lease buyouts and the future of cell towers and cell sites? Do you have questions about selling your cell tower lease rental stream? Talk to a Tower Genius cell tower lease buyout expert about the pros and cons of selling your annual wireless rental payments.
Are you considering a cell tower lease buyout offer that you have received in 2025?
Is it a good lease buyout offer or a not-so-good lease buyout offer?
Or maybe is it a phenomenal purchase offer?
Are you wondering why you are getting so many unsolicited cell tower lease buyout offers from third parties and from your cell tower management company to sell your cell tower lease rental payments, when at the same time you are getting threatening cell tower lease optimization letters from vendors working for the same wireless carriers and tower companies to lower the rent and modify your lease terms, or they might "exercise their right" to terminate your lease or relocate the cell site or cell tower to another location?
Have you asked yourself, why do they want to buy my future cell tower lease rental stream if cell towers are possibly at risk of becoming less valuable due to the deployment of 5G technology and what about the impacts of 6G technology in the 2030's?
You are a cell tower landlord and you have questions. Tower Genius has the inside industry knowledge and depth to answer your specific questions, and we can provide the site specific feedback you are looking for in the marketplace.
The Partners of Tower Genius have been helping landlords and their attorneys with cell phone tower lease buyout transactions for over fifteen years. Tower Genius is the USA's premier cell tower buyout consultant.
We have ZERO conflicts of interest, which means we only get paid by our clients. Give Tower Genius a call at 888-313-9750, Option-2. We can help you to make sense of your lease buyout offers and help you navigate the easement sales process.
Nobody knows the cell tower leasing industry from an owner / landlord perspective like Tower Genius. The two Partners of our firm Kevin Donohue and Steve Kazella have 50+ years cell tower lease experience and have been working for landlords exclusively since 2008. They talk to telecom landlords about cell tower lease buyouts on a daily basis and navigate the ins and outs of this esoteric industry.
We help cell site and cell tower landlords cut through all the noise and focus on maximizing your telecom lease buyout value if you have decided to sell.
Unlike most of our "cell tower lease expert advisor" competitors, we have zero conflicts of interest, and we only work for YOU the OWNER / LANDLORD. Tower Genius does not work for any wireless carriers, cell tower developers, cell tower management companies, hedge funds or telecom lease buyout companies -- and we put that into all of our consulting contracts.
"Selling Your Cellular Telecommunication Lease Rental Stream in 2025"
By: Steve Kazella, Managing Partner at Tower Genius.
Wireless landlords considering cell tower lease buyouts in 2025 will see a broad range of up-front cash payments or installment payment options offered, in exchange for a perpetual easement on their cell tower lease rental streams. The value of each wireless lease needs to be properly evaluated.
Lease buyout offers that you receive on your cell tower lease rental stream or rooftop cell site lease will vary and will depend on a number of factors:
Carrier lease monthly / annual rent values
Co-location potential for new additional wireless tenants
Existing cell tower lease terms such as Right of First Refusal (ROFR)
Owner - Landlord’s future goals with the property
Your current financial needs (if buyer suspects hardship they will lowball)
Geographic location – metro area cell sites vs rural tower cell towers
Zoning requirements of the site (how hard is it to build new towers)
All Cell Tower Lease Buyout Companies Are Not The Same
In some cases, the cell site lease buyouts you are being offered are so disturbingly low, that they are an attempt to take advantage of the owner or landlord especially of the lease buyout company or tower investor senses a financial hardship. These cell tower buyout offers are generally accompanied by a series of threatening letters (or letters that plant the seed of doubt) and telemarketing calls concerning the stability of a particular wireless tenant or the cellular industry as a whole due, to advances in 5G technology or industry consolidation. Depending on your geographic location and the actual type of site you have, this can be partially true or completely irrelevant.
For example, for years, Tower Genius told a particular cell site landlord in New York City to accept a lucrative lease buyout offer for their rooftop Sprint lease, but they decided to hold out looking for 7-figures, which we told them was completely unrealistic for that specific location. Unfortunately the opportunity to sell that lease passed them by.
In other cases, professional hedge fund cellular tower lease portfolio managers will contact you directly. These are wireless capital investment companies who are seeking acquisition of cell phone tower leases to add to their portfolios. Your cellular lease is a commodity which can be purchased or sold like any other commodity, bundled and packaged on Wall Street. Many of these wireless financial services firms will offer you a better deal than those enticing cash offers made by the lower-end of the tower lease buying spectrum, that resort to using scare tactics. Currently some of the larger and more aggressive cell tower portfolio managers are offering outstanding deals for specific types of cell tower lease buyouts they are targeting.
In many cases these lease buyout deals where the landlord receives a significant up-front cash payment for their cell tower lease are beneficial to a Lessor (Owner or Landlord), especially if you really need money for a capital investment in your primary business, or need to solve an immediate cash flow issue. We frequently have cell tower landlords ask us about the future viability of cell towers, trying to weigh the options of whether to sell the lease rent payments and get a large one-time lump sum cash payment, monetize their cell tower leases and roll the proceeds into a like-kind commercial property in the form of a 1031 Exchange for the tax deferment, or enjoy the cellular revenue for the next several decades. Our advice: sleep on the cell tower buyout offer a few times.
Why Contact Tower Genius About Your Cell Tower Lease Buyout Offer?
In 2024, how can you know if the cellular telecom lease buyout offer presented to you is a good offer or an exceptional offer?
Selling the rights to your cellular tower lease rental stream is not for everyone. However, if you would like to pursue the cellular tower buyout option and sell your cellular lease rights, please contact Tower Genius so that we can evaluate your deal, estimate any risk and determine if the sale of the telecommunications lease is in your best interest, or not.
After the evaluation, if you still want to sell your cell tower lease rights but the lease buyout offer is too low in value, we can provide the industry knowledge that you need to help you to get the best value and terms. We feel that this is the best way to determine the market value of your cellular antenna lease rental stream, and to maximize the cell site buyout offer’s cash value.
How do you know if the offer to sell the perpetual rights to the cell tower lease rental payments that you are receiving is the best offer available, or just a shell game between a few cell tower "sharks"?
Ask the Partners at Tower Genius anything about:
American Tower lease buyout offers
Crown Castle lease buyout offers
SBA Communications lease buyout offers
Vertical Bridge lease buyout offers
Selling your AT&T rooftop cell site lease
Selling your Verizon Wireless rooftop cell site lease
Selling your T-Mobile rooftop cell site lease
Selling your U.S. Cellular cell tower or rooftop cell site lease
We look forward to receiving your cell phone tower lease buyout offer information, discussing your situation and maximizing your perpetual easement sales transaction values.
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